Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tuesday Snacks: Nutrients in Watermelon

Tuesday afternoon was full with about 22 players. Nice to see Richard back from an arm injury. We will miss Joyce who will be away to Italy for the next six weeks. She brought cookies and watermelon which we all enjoyed. She said "Watermelons are low in calories and very nutritious": Watermelon is high in lycopene, second only to tomatoes. Recent research suggests that lycopene, a powerful antioxidant, helps prevent some forms of cancer and cardiovascular disease.

According to research conducted at the University of North Carolina, men who consumed a lycopene-rich diet were half as likely to suffer a heart attack as those who had little or no lycopene in their diets. Watermelon is also high in vitamin C and vitamin A, in the form of disease-fighting beta carotene. It also contains potassium, which helps to control blood pressure and possibly prevent strokes.

One player told us cholesterol lowering drugs do more harm than good in side effects, he recommends doing regular exercise and eating the right foods. Another player said he gained weight from eating large portion-size meals and all you-can-eat buffets in restaurants in Las Vegas. Portion sizes have increased in restaurants, grocery stores and vending machines which can translate into excess calories and weight gains.

Joyce said diabetes is not caused by eating too much sugar. Type 1 diabetes typically occurs in childhood, type 2 diabetes usually develops in adults. You can reduce your chances of type two diabetes by maintaining a healthy weight, eating a healthy balanced diet and getting regular exercise. Read more: http://www.diabetes.org (This information is not to be used as medical or health advice, but for health-conscious discussion only!)

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