Pickleball Canada Area Ambassador Peter Darvill asked the City of Ladner to paint pickleball lines on some newly surfaced outdoor tennis courts in Ladner, B.C. He purchased one USAPA portable net and then he bought another one because there are too many players coming out to play. He has organized a league of more than 12 players and they played almost everyday!!!
At South Delta Rec Centre { Tsawassen } Starting this Monday we will have 3 days alloted for PBall. Mondays and Wednesdays from 12:30 to 3pm, and Sundays from 3:30 til 5:30. We have the 4 courts available for all these times. Let's try and show up as much as possible so we can keep these times for us, and pls. pass the word around to others who may be interested.
At Ladner Community Centre, effective November 1st, the times are changing on Tuesday and Thursday to 3 pm to 5:30 pm rather than the past start time of 4pm.
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